Cancel your booking up to 24 hours before showtime and get a voucher for the cost of your order. It’s that simple. Check out some FAQs about Ticket Protection below!
If you're looking to redeem your Ticket Protection on an existing order, head to our Using your Ticket Protection article.
What do I get when I redeem Ticket Protection?
You'll get a voucher worth 100% of your original ticket and order fee (excluding the cost of Ticket Protection). The voucher is valid for 12 months and can be used against any show on our platform.
Can I purchase Ticket Protection for only part of my order?
Unfortunately not. Ticket Protection is applied to the whole order, and you're unable to only redeem it against some parts of the order.
Can I add Ticket Protection when I'm using a gift card or voucher to pay?
Yes! Your voucher code or gift card can be added during the checkout process by clicking “Add voucher” in the payment section before confirming your purchase.
Can I add Ticket Protection to my order after I purchase tickets?
Ticket Protection cannot be added after purchase.